Home > Love & Grow > Sherrie Peeler: Tithing and a Daily Walk with Christ

“Spiritual disciplines” are things we do to stay in love with God and grow in faith.  They can be things we do alone or together; they can be ways to spend time with God or to serve others.  As the people of Sylva First UMC share one of their spiritual disciplines with you each week, we hope it will inspire you to new ways of loving God and growing in faith.

I am Sherrie Peeler and I have attended FUMC Sylva since I began working for Cooperative Extension in Macon County in 2007 – although as a high school student I visited the FUMC Sylva with a friend.  My husband and I actually joined the membership in 2014.

Since I was a child and received an allowance I have tithed – I have given 10% of my income to the church.  It is a significant part of my daily walk with Christ.  I learned all those years ago that you cannot out give God.  He provides all my needs and the least I can do is give back a portion of the blessings he has provided me.

Are you interested in how giving to the church could be a significant part of your daily walk with Christ?  Try completing this year’s Coveanant Cards (also found below).  By walking through the reflection questions, you might transform your financial gifts from “contributions” to “offerings” that flow out of your commitment to God.


 My Giving Covenant for 2021

You are asked to prayerfully consider what your giving will look like next year.

In part, the total amount of these pledges will help our Management Team plan for the future.  But most importantly, this covenant card will help you make a financial offering to God that is intentional and a reflection of the best you have to offer.

Reflection questions in considering your personal giving covenant:

  1. What has God given you? What is your income:  weekly, monthly, or annually?
  2. The Biblical tradition of a tithe suggests giving 10% to God. What would 10% of your income be?
  3. What is your current giving practice? What did you give in 2020?  2019?
  4. How might you benefit spiritually from a disciplined practice of making an offering?
  5. Considering all those answers, what would a good offering to God look like in 2020?

My giving covenant for 2021:

$____________ weekly     (or)     $____________ monthly     (or)     $____________ annually

Ways to give:

  • Cash or check placed in the offering plate or mailed to P.O. Box 296 Sylva, NC 28779
  • Online at www.sylvafumc.org/give
  • Sending a text to 73256 with FUMCSYLVA in the message section

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You’re encouraged to keep the above for your own records.  Complete and detach the portion below and return it to the church office by Sunday, November 22nd (Thanksgiving Sunday):

by email to finance@sylvafumc.org or using the enclosed return envelope.

Just like any offering, responses will be kept confidential within the financial office.

Name:             ______________________________________________________

Address:         ______________________________________________________


Phone:            (___________)_________________________________________

Email:              ______________________________________________________

My giving covenant for 2021:

$____________ weekly     (or)     $____________ monthly     (or)     $____________ annually

¨ (Optional) Until we return to Sunday morning worship as normal, it would help me to receive an envelope in the mail as a reminder each month.