Home > Love & Grow > Catherine DeWeese: Gratitude

“Spiritual disciplines” are things we do to stay in love with God and grow in faith.  They can be things we do alone or together; they can be ways to spend time with God or to serve others.  As the people of Sylva First UMC share one of their spiritual disciplines with you each week, we hope it will inspire you to new ways of loving God and growing in faith.

I am Catherine DeWeese.   My husband, Jerry, and I joined FUMC 25+ years ago just after we had our first daughter.   We had both grown up as members of Methodist churches, but had not been formally attending church for years.  When we started a family, we realized we needed to find a church.    Thankfully, Sylva FUMC is where we landed and I truly believe we were led there by God.

It is easy, for me, to get stuck sometimes with my prayers.   I can always incorporate those from our prayer list, my students, friends and family into WHO I pray for, but sometimes I find those prayers become rote and not deeply meaningful.  When I catch myself falling into that prayer pattern, I earnestly thank God.  I thank God for leading us to Sylva FUMC.   In this church, we have found our dearest friends.   We have had a network of people who helped us raise our children.   We have found comfort, guidance and support in every part of our lives.   When I get “stuck” with praying, reminding myself of how richly blessed my family and I are and thanking God for His guidance and love, gets me back on track with meaningful prayers.

Like Pastor Mary, I was raised to recognize the importance of thank you notes for those who receive them, but also for those who write them.   My thank you prayers to God are those notes – and they mean SO much.

“I like to say prayers about my friends and my family. I know God listens because He is so special to me.” -Emmie

As sisters we practice showing grace. Mrs. Jessica taught us that graces means caring more about each other than being right or winning. Sometimes it is hard to show grace to each other, but it is a good thing to practice. When we practice grace we are showing each other God’s love.

With love, Mayleigh, Adeline & Emmie