Home > Children & Youth


Introducing the ME & YOU Dance!

Join us for the Me & You Dance!

We recognize that families are different and should be celebrated! The Father-Daughter Dance will now be known as the Me & You Dance to better serve our community. We invite all parents/guardians/grandparents to enjoy a special evening of dressing up and showing your young people a fun time!

Each ticket includes a party favor, photos, hors d’oeuvres, and dancing!

Click the image to register online. Under "registration type," select "Me & You Couple," each additional child will cost $5. Door tickets are available for $40 per couple, each additional child will cost $5

Please get in touch with the church office at 828-586-2358 or email Jessica Green at jgreen@sylvafumc.org, if you experience issues with registration.

All proceeds benefit Camp Patton Springs.

Sunday Morning Offerings


Ages 0-3

Nursery services are available Sunday mornings beginning at 9:45 and for other special services and events throughout the year.

First Kids Grow

Returning on September 8th! First Kids Grow is a Sunday morning spiritual formation class for kids pre-K- 5th grades.  We gather following worship at 11:15 am in the CLC (gym) and have class in the Pinnacle Room. Contact Jessica Green for details jgreen@sylvafumc.org.




Highs & Lows

Returning on September 8th! Grades 6 - 12 are invited to meet with Maggie Chrsity to talk about their highs and lows of the week - and how we're seeing God at work.  Contact Maggie Christy for details at maggiechristy@sylvafumc.org.

Youth News

Safe Sanctuaries Training & Policy

Below is the link for our Safe Sanctuaries Policy. Safe Sanctuaries is a program designed to protect children, youth, and vulnerable adults from abuse within the church's ministry context.

Sylva FUMC Safe Sanctuaries Policy 2024