The Faithful Followers
A new Connect and Grow Group, “The Faithful Followers” meets every Sunday following our 10:00 AM worship at 11:00 AM. We selected this name based upon Psalm 145:10-12 (NLT). “All of your works will thank you, Lord, and your faithful followers will bless you. They will talk together about the glory of your kingdom; they will celebrate examples of your power. They will tell about your mighty deeds and about the majesty and glory of your reign.” Our focus will be on sharing, caring, learning and practicing together how to become more faithful as we follow Christ. It is our hope that, as the one of first of these Connect and Grow groups, we will help pave the way for more such small groups to come together within our church. We will share more deeply in the sermon topic of the week by thinking about questions provided by Pastor Mary each week. This will allow us to connect with each other and explore practical ways to grow in our discipleship as followers of Jesus Christ. We sincerely hope that you will consider participating with us in this new group, or at least give it a try for a month or two.
Stan & Judy Bienick, Faithful Followers.
First Kids Grow Class
Each Sunday following worship kids 5th grade and under are invited to grow deeper in their faith. We are teaching basic skills to put kids' faith into practice; these are hear, pray, tell and live.
Located in the Asbury Room at 11 am.